About me
I've always loved taking photographs. In high school, my interest was formalized in the dark room developing film from an old 35mm camera. The smell of the chemicals, the solitude of the work, and the accomplished feeling of getting just one great shot! Digital photography has certainly changed the game, but hasn't eliminated the art. In fact, with digital photography I tend to spend much more time on-scene making sure I get the right lighting and camera settings. Film photography is/was more of a fingers crossed arrangement. For me, digital photography is as much about the adventure. In 2007, crgimages.com began as way to share family vacation and travel photos, but quickly turned into an avenue to express myself artistically as the sheer number of photos in my collection grew. I would consider myself a landscape and nature photographer, but certainly not limited to those realms. In other words, if it looks cool I'll try to capture it. As my life has changed with a career, family, and children, I don't have unlimited time to explore and take photos anymore. However, I found that photography is a lot like a truly great friend, you can go months without speaking, but there's no awkwardness when you meet again. Capturing an image is the only true way to tangibly preserve a moment in time. Every photo I've taken is attached to a memory of a time and place in my life. I hope something in my collection has caught your eye and may have stirred up memories of your own snapshots in time.
Email: crgonyar@aol.com